
Thursday, 13 August 2015

ASB Get wise

ASB get wise
Woo ho! Today I have been learning how to save money

Today Room 5/L had someone from ASB, her name was Tessa, you could tell she worked at ASB cause it said the sign on her t - shirt. She brought a friend, Tessa told us her friend rules, it was don't talk when she's talking and don't let them talk when your talking don't bust in put your hands up if you want to talk.

Image result for asb get wise
Then Tessa told as to tap on the floor and close our eyes. After she told us to stop and open our eyes her friend was called P.T which stands for Personal trainer. She told us some quiz's at the past 

Later on she told us that if we have money and you don't were to put it she said put it in the band and if you want to use you money you have to go back to the bank and they will give you a eftpous card and you can use it, also she told us what age you have to be to get a credit card.

Lastly we thanked her for teaching us how to use money wisely.

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